公开教学展风采,观摩评比促提升—— 一年级英语教师公开课活动

To Display Teachers’ Demeanor By Demonstration Teaching

To Enhance Teachers’ Capability By Empathic Observation and Rating  

 The Public Lesson Display Activities of English Teachers in Grade One


    In order to further implement the new English curriculum standard, improve the ability of English teaching in our school, promote the professional growth of teachers, and strength the English teaching level of our school, the English Group of Primary School Department held the observation activities of public class recently.


To make sure to have a good public class, the teachers made full preparations before the class. They had careful lesson preparation, meticulous research, lesson testing, not only humbly consulted from other teachers, but also boldly joined their own ideas and creativity to display their strengths. Let us approach to the English class of grade one and appreciate the English teacher's elegant demeanor.

赵梦莹老师执教的是一年级英语《M9U2 Happy Birthday!》一课。首先,赵老师用一首If you are happy歌曲导入,让学生在欢乐的气氛中融入课堂。在教学过程中,教师运用多种教学技能,设置层层深入的教学环节,使学生兴趣盎然。在与同学们共同学习完如何庆祝生日后,教师带领全体学生,为班里即将过生日的三位同学准备了生日歌曲和礼物,学生们学以致用,乐在其中。在送礼物环节,赵老师还不忘对学生进行西方文化知识的渗透。课堂最后以快乐的生日Party结束,学生们意犹未尽。

The teacher Zhao Mengying gives a lesson for grade one of M9U2 Happy Birthday. First of all, Miss Zhao uses a song If you are happy to lead in and let students integrate into the classroom in a happy atmosphere. In the teaching process, the teacher uses a variety of teaching skills and set up layers of in-depth teaching links to make students interested. After learning how to celebrate the birthday with the students altogether, the teacher led all the students to prepare birthday songs and presents for the three students in the class who are going to celebrate their birthdays. The students used what they learned and all of them enjoyed the activities. In the gift-giving process, Miss Zhao infiltrated the students with western cultural knowledge. Finally, the class ended with a birthday Party and the students were longing for more.

郝欢欢老师执教的《M8 U1 How many?,以一首欢快的zero five ten歌曲导入,运用学生喜欢看魔术表演的好奇心,跟随老师一起通过变魔术的方式呈现文本内容。教学环节衔接紧凑,难度逐渐攀升,从文本到生活,引出我们生活中的有关数字的场景,如日常生活中的急救电话:110.120.119、车牌号码、电话号码,再延伸到数学课上的加减运算、语文古诗《山村咏怀》,接着让学生通过跳绳活动的锻炼感受数字,边跳边数,通过一系列的活动让学生感受数字在生活中的广泛应用,教师进一步引导学生关注生活,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和热情,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性,在活动中培养学生大胆开口的习惯,充分运用所学知识和技能,以构建新的语言知识。

Teacher Hao Huanhuan teaches M8 U1 How many? with the introduction of a cheerful zero five ten song, taking advantage of the curiosity of students who like to watch magic shows, and presenting the text content through magic tricks by following the teacher. Each teaching link is closely connected and the difficulty points gradually rises. From the text to life, the scene of relevant figures in our life is led out, such as emergency telephone number: 110.120.119, license number, telephone number in daily life. Then it extends to the addition and subtraction operation in mathematics class and the ancient Chinese poem "Mountain Village Chanting ". Then, students are allowed to feel the numbers by jumping rope and counting while jumping. Through a series of activities, students are allowed to feel the wide application of numbers in life. Teacher further guides students to pay attention to life, stimulates students' interest and enthusiasm in learning English, improves students' enthusiasm and initiative in learning, cultivates students' habit of speaking boldly in activities, and makes full use of the knowledge and skills so that to construct the new language knowledge.

吴婷老师执教的《M7U2 It’s a yellow cat.》,课堂思路清晰,课程内容丰富、形式多样,学生参与度极高。本堂课的活动设计不仅贴近学生生活实际,而且教具准备得充分且精致,教学过程中穿插的游戏及小魔术极大地调动了学生的英语学习兴趣,让学生全身心地参与到课堂活动中,培养了学生的语言综合运用能力。整体来看,教师亲切的教态使学生能够在愉快的氛围中感受英语语言,体验英语乐趣,运用英语知识。

Teacher Wu Ting teaches (M7U2 It‘s a yellow cat. )with clear thought , rich contents and diverse forms. students participation is extremely high. The activity design of this class is not only close to the student's life, but also the teaching aids are well prepared and exquisite. The games and tricks interspersed in the teaching process greatly arouse the students interest in English learning. let the students participate in the class activities wholeheartedly, and cultivate the students comprehensive ability of language application. On the whole, teacher kindness and teaching manner enable the students to feel the English language. Experience the English and use the English knowledge in a pleasant atmosphere.

罗环老师以欢快的歌曲导入《M9 U1 How old are you?》一课,通过问题设置, 结合丰富多彩的图片,引导学生积极参与课堂活动,充分发挥了学生的主体作用,学生学习兴趣浓厚。在学习新知的同时,教师引导学生复习旧知,促进了新旧知识的衔接。通过创设医院情景,使英语课堂生活化,真正做到了学以致用。最后以全班参与的小火车PK游戏,不仅检测了学生对新知的掌握情况,而且将课堂推向高潮。

Luo Huan introduced the lesson (M9 U1 How old are you?) with a cheerful song. Through question setting and colorful pictures, she guided the students to participate in class activities positively and fully played the main role of the students. While learning new knowledge, the teacher guides the student to review the knowledge they have learnt, promoted the link between the new and old knowledge. Through setting the hospital scene, the teacher leads students to apply English into life. Finally, the whole class participating in the small train PK game, it not only tested the mastery of new knowledge of students, but also led to the climax of the classroom.


 The minister and all the English teachers participated in the class activities and organized the class evaluation activities in a timely manner. After the self-evaluation by the teachers, the teachers made a comprehensive and objective evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each class and gave valuable opinions Both the lecturers and the lecturers have gained a lot from it. This activity not only trains the team of English teachers, but also lays a foundation for improving the teaching quality. It also builds a platform for the progress of young teachers and provides a guarantee for the professional growth of the whole group. Generally speaking, the public class reflects the teachers’ higher basic quality and professional level. In the future teaching work, we will definitely take its essence and discard its dross!


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